Junior High Division

The Ateres Bais Yaakov Middle School, under the direction of Mrs. Elky Wachsler, offers a distinctive passage to young adulthood. The close working relationship among our school administrators facilitates a smooth transition from Elementary School into Middle School. Our Middle School faculty members work as a team to guide and inspire students as they expand their knowledge in both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies and develop social-emotional and interpersonal skills.

The Middle School offers a comprehensive Limudei Kodesh program, where students are taught skills to help them decode and familiarize themselves with the language and content of Tanach. Students are encouraged to explore the Torah and Mitzvos with honesty and vitality. Faculty members assist students in developing a personal relationship with Hkb”h b’simcha and a commitment to a life of Torah values.

Our General Studies department is structured around the New York State standards. Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are developed in both 7th and 8th grades, meeting the state benchmarks. Students are educated with innovation and creativity in a manner that promotes enthusiastic and retained learning. Classes are vigorous and encourage students to develop higher-order thinking and cognition abilities.

The extra-curricular programming includes leadership opportunities and teaches life skills such as planning and execution. Programming includes a year-long G.O. program, Yimei Iyun, Rosh Chodesh, and Erev Shabbos assemblies, Chagigos, Birthday Clubs, yearbook, and sales. These programs are designed to stimulate achdus, positivity, creativity, and a sense of accomplishment in our students.

At Ateres Middle School, our objective is to guide each student to recognize and appreciate her abilities and potential to impact the world around her. Our esteemed faculty members model and teach students to respect adults, peers, and most importantly themselves as they advance onto adulthood.